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Psychology of Communication, Healthy Fastidiousness

Rejection anxiety means being afraid of the others' reactions. Training is necessary to overcome the psychology of rejection anxiety to freely and healthily express one's feelings. Let's explore how to confidently express one's opinion by becoming a fastidious person, yet in a healthy way. Relationships at work and with families and friends go through difficulties time to time. Because the wound..
Rejection anxiety means being afraid of the others' reactions. Training is necessary to overcome the psychology of rejection anxiety to freely and healthily express one's feelings. Let's explore how to confidently express one's opinion by becoming a fastidious person, yet in a healthy way.
Relationships at work and with families and friends go through difficulties time to time. Because the wounds of relationships vary from case to case, it is hard to find solutions. Some people struggle because they cannot clearly express their feelings, afraid of how others would react. Let's learn more about "healthy fastidiousness" to express one's opinions with confidence and to listen to theirs. First, let's talk about why we need healthy fastidiousness.
The biggest stress at work is about relationships. Since members of an organization pursue a common goal, there always exists the conflict of relationships. The "3 R's" referr to what everyone wants - recognize, respect and reward. When the 3 R's are fulfilled, the organization can succeed in communication.
We say that we were hurt in a relationship. Why don't other people treat me as I care and respect others? We wonder, because we want others to appreciate my thoughts. Let's learn why it is hard to accept the differences and why we should accept them.
There are people who cannot hold it any longer and easily explode. They regret it right afterwards. How do we control anger? For healthy fastidiousness, let's learn how to control and express anger.
The brain is composed of the right brain and the left brain. The right brain is in charge of understanding the big picture and the left brain is responsible for the details. Only when the two brains are in balanced harmony we can present our potentials and creativity. Let's take a closer look at how the two brains are different from each other and how to develop the right brain.
A couch potato refers to a person who kills time lying on a couch. The brain processes stimuli and information by removing cells like "couch potatoes". The truth of the human body is to survive by being awake and changing all the time. It is known that when we feel proud about our changing selves, we fell happy. Find the happiness of discovering the self who grows everyday by enjoying change.
Self esteem is in other words, "self trust and self positiveness". In order to possess self esteem, one needs to discover the true self and accept it as it is while keeping the hope of growth. When doing one's best to acquire self esteem, higher creativity and potentials will come naturally.
A good communication is done simply and clearly. By making eye contacts with the other person, we need to talk in a stable posture with a soft voice. By becoming a person who delivers positive messages whenever and wherever we are, our lives will shine warmly and brightly as well.
To empathize is to try to think and feel like the other person. Recently, neuro scientists found an empathy cell that works in our brains to empathize. After all, we are born with the ability to empathize. Let's learn more about the inborn ability of empathy, different from sympathy.
Everyone wants to live right. But a disciplined life and a healthy life are different. Then, what does a mentally healthy life mean? A healthy life is to let the doors wide open and perceive the world without prejudice. We will now look in details how a healthy life is different from a disciplined life.
HRI is established by Chung Ju-yung,the first CEO,founder and honorary chairman of Hyundai Group in 1986. HRI is a leading Korean research think tank committed to studying and analyzing the economic and industrial environment as well as reunification economy of Korea. HRI,further,has it’s own businesses such as business consulting, education and training service,and knowledge-content business.
현대경제연구원은 현대그룹의 싱크탱크이자 국내 최고의 민간 연구기관이다. 디지털시대의 흐름에 맞추어 온-오프 혼합으로 연구, 교육, 신사업을 추진하고 있는 국내 유일의 종합지식 연구조직이다. 현대경제연구원은 한국 경제의 경쟁력 제ㅗ라는 국가적 과업이 성취되도록, 시대적 비전을 제시하고 실현 가능한 정책 안을 강구하는데 최대한의 노력을 경주하고 있다.
편집인 이원형은 현대경제연구원에서 연구위원으로 활동하였다. 현재는 맨트립, 전자출판, 경제 인문 사회 분야의 전자책을 제작하고 있다. 일반인들을 위한 경제학 콘텐츠를 제작하고 있다.

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