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The Great Followers

Until now, we have focused more on the leadrs. There has been much education on leadership but the complaints on organizations and leaders do not easily disappear in reality. But leaders alone cannot create the ideal organization. Great followers are necessary for successful organizations. What is the role of followers and the meaning of followership that supports leadership? Until now, we have o..
Until now, we have focused more on the leadrs. There has been much education on leadership but the complaints on organizations and leaders do not easily disappear in reality. But leaders alone cannot create the ideal organization. Great followers are necessary for successful organizations. What is the role of followers and the meaning of followership that supports leadership?
Until now, we have only focused on leaders. If, however, the followers do not properly play their roles, the leadership becomes meaningless. Leaders were once followers and most of the leaders possess both aspects of a leader and a follower, playing both roles at the same time. How can one become a great follower and what is the role of followers?
Past or present, managing the boss is a difficult assignment for members of an organization. Although the secret of leadership is indeed embracement, a boss who listens carefully to the words of his members is rare in reality. Before blaming the boss, what would be a wise solution from the follower's point of view? Today, we talk about how to make the boss stand on my side.
Many books, classes and media deal with the "qualifications of a leader". But because no one really talks about the qualifications of a follower, people whine more rather than initiate any change as they get more exposed to education related to leadership. Remember that managing the boss is the responsibility of followers. What are the must-do's for managing the boss?
A person who does not know how to follow others cannot become a good leader. At most organizations, there are more members who complain than be happy about their relationships with the boss. What should we avoid to manage the boss?
Are you trying to find the right moment to make an opposing comment to the boss' opinion? You want to do it but you can neither say no nor hide it. It is not easy to talk straight to a boss in an organization. It is necessary to master a high level of "talking straight" skills for the betterment of the organization and the boss. Today, we will learn more about the conditions of talking straight to update the relationship with the boss.
Persuasion equals selling your own issues. In order to make one's opinion attractive in an organization, one should be capable of persuading the boss. How can one effectively sell his or her issue to the boss? Let’s take a closer look on the answer to increasing the winning rate to 100%.
Meeting someone as a boss at work is destiny one cannot choose. But making the boss a supporter or inspector is at one's disposal. All successful leaders chose to respect their boss as their mentors. Today, we look at how to make the boss the mentor.
The word "power" naturally has a negative connotation. But power is closely related to leadership and can be an attractive method to help our dreams come true. Now, let's see how to read the pulse of power.
There are many types of followership. The most representative among these is the followership type of Professor Robert Kelley at Carnegie Mellon. He has opened the new horizon of followership by not only analyzing the types of followership but also suggesting the remedies. Among the 5 types of the alienated, the yes-people, the sheep, the star followers and the pragmatics - what type do I belong to? Let's learn more about our own type of followership and the solution to improve any weaknesses.
Depending on being a professional or a slave, the attitude at work totally changes. What is the difference? You can be the master of your own work life. A professional is someone who takes responsibility for his own performances. Let's learn more about the skills to bring in luck to my career.
HRI is established by Chung Ju-yung,the first CEO,founder and honorary chairman of Hyundai Group in 1986. HRI is a leading Korean research think tank committed to studying and analyzing the economic and industrial environment as well as reunification economy of Korea. HRI,further,has it’s own businesses such as business consulting, education and training service,and knowledge-content business.
현대경제연구원은 현대그룹의 싱크탱크이자 국내 최고의 민간 연구기관이다. 디지털시대의 흐름에 맞추어 온-오프 혼합으로 연구, 교육, 신사업을 추진하고 있는 국내 유일의 종합지식 연구조직이다. 현대경제연구원은 한국 경제의 경쟁력 제ㅗ라는 국가적 과업이 성취되도록, 시대적 비전을 제시하고 실현 가능한 정책 안을 강구하는데 최대한의 노력을 경주하고 있다.
편집인 이원형은 현대경제연구원에서 연구위원으로 활동하였다. 현재는 맨트립, 전자출판, 경제 인문 사회 분야의 전자책을 제작하고 있다. 일반인들을 위한 경제학 콘텐츠를 제작하고 있다.

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