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Happy Speech

Word is not simply a phonetic symbol that signals and delivers a thought or feeling of a person. It contains great power in which can become either a strength or wound, depending on the listening end. The fate of business can also be determined with a single word. Thus, we will learn about the "Ten Commandments of Happy Speech for Everyone" in order to increase my value, for the happiness of mysel..
Word is not simply a phonetic symbol that signals and delivers a thought or feeling of a person. It contains great power in which can become either a strength or wound, depending on the listening end. The fate of business can also be determined with a single word. Thus, we will learn about the "Ten Commandments of Happy Speech for Everyone" in order to increase my value, for the happiness of myself and others, along with a successful business.
What is the origin of a wound? It is a single word that disregards me, a word that hurts my pride. We will take a closer look at words with the power to save or push me into despair.
Is someone who says exactly what he or she thinks a good speaker? A good speaker is a person who delivers the healthy mind, rich throughts and deep insights. In other words, the contents of our thought storage should be full and rich to speak intelligently. And the core of contents is self-esteem. Now, we look at self-esteem, the beginning of happy speech.
Is practice, the repeated process of habit or action to improve efficiency, only for athletes who have to break records? Rich and intelligent words can fail if not practiced. Let's learn more about practice, the preconditions to become a good speaker?
Since an excellent speech requires the process of planning and designing, it is compared to constructing a house. How can we apply design, a creative activity of intentionally selecting and composing color elements to attract the ears and eyes of people to a speech? Let's look at designs for speech to attract the audience.
When you cannot understand a words when someone tells a story, why is that? And why can't you feel moved from a politicians speech? Speech is intended to deliver information, to influence or entertain people. Thus, a great speech can be as powerful as to change a person's life. We will explore 3S, the elements of speech that move people's minds.
S-line refers to the beautiful curve of women with attractive bodies. The powerful S-line which grabs the attentions of people also applies to speech. Let's learn more about the S line speech that seduces the audience with its dynamic body, breaking away from the boring speech of reading off textbooks.
We can easily meet dead speeches around us. It can be found in conversations with clerks when buying products and in formal speeches. This is because they lack authenticity. Authenticity is the principle of communication that connects people, making the whole speech dead if gone. Now, let's learn about authenticity, the core of an alive speech.
"Words" do not mean only the languages spoken through mouth. Language is composed of language, paralanguage and nonverbal language. And nonverbal languages are the most important in speeches. Nonverbal languages refer to everything visual, expressed through intelligence and class amassed over a long period of time. Therefore, we should always do our best to explore ourselves and to be knowledgeable. Let's learn more about the relationship between our lives and speech.
Sometimes we feel a wall when conversing with the other sex. What kind of problems is there in a conversation between a man and a woman? Men and women go against each other as if they came from different planets using different languages. Today's lesson will be on how to communicate without confronting each other as man versus woman
Words reflect the personality of a person, thus being a big competitiveness in life.
HRI is established by Chung Ju-yung,the first CEO,founder and honorary chairman of Hyundai Group in 1986. HRI is a leading Korean research think tank committed to studying and analyzing the economic and industrial environment as well as reunification economy of Korea. HRI,further,has it’s own businesses such as business consulting, education and training service,and knowledge-content business.
현대경제연구원은 현대그룹의 싱크탱크이자 국내 최고의 민간 연구기관이다. 디지털시대의 흐름에 맞추어 온-오프 혼합으로 연구, 교육, 신사업을 추진하고 있는 국내 유일의 종합지식 연구조직이다. 현대경제연구원은 한국 경제의 경쟁력 제ㅗ라는 국가적 과업이 성취되도록, 시대적 비전을 제시하고 실현 가능한 정책 안을 강구하는데 최대한의 노력을 경주하고 있다.
편집인 이원형은 현대경제연구원에서 연구위원으로 활동하였다. 현재는 맨트립, 전자출판, 경제 인문 사회 분야의 전자책을 제작하고 있다. 일반인들을 위한 경제학 콘텐츠를 제작하고 있다.

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